Chiang Mai is a virtual labyrinth of spectacular shops. From cheap goods, beautiful handmade products and art, to fake brand names. The bustling Night Bazaar is the best place to go for souvenirs; Hang Dong the destination for design and craft products; Nimmanhaemin's boutiques offer stylish home décor and fashion and the shopping malls are full of knickknacks and other goodies. Basically there is something for everyone here.

Monday, August 18, 2008


Crafts galore. Buses crammed with tourists descend daily onto the dozens of massive craft industries and showrooms along the Sankampaeng Road. Because of this, many locals often dismiss Sankampaeng shopping as a tourist trap. But for those seeking the more traditional crafts: silks, weaving, wood carving, silverware and lacquer ware, Sankampaeng is the place to go. Thirteen kilometres east of Chiang Mai.
Chiang Mai Shop & Shopping

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